January 02, 2020
Restriction seems to be the most common factor that affects the water pipe/quartz nail/carb cap functional relationship. Some restriction is necessary for the pearls to spin effortlessly.
Some Gordo Scientific carb caps are designed to spin pearls while others are not. Please read all information on the product description pages for more information on specific cap designs. While some caps are not specifically designed to spin pearls it may still be achieved with the right combination of water pipe/quartz nail/carb cap. “Normal” water pipes seem to work best, nothing extremely large or extremely small. Anything that takes an extremely large or extremely small amount of water may have difficulty. Any piece using 18mm Nail/downstem may also have difficulty as this size generally allows for more airflow.
The types of material used for dabbing should also be taken into consideration. We find that water hash is one of the most difficult types of materials for spinning pearls compared to other vicious/saucy material such as live resin.
What works best for you? Leave a comment below and let us know.